Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can affect every aspect of your life including your safety, relationships, school and work performance, thinking, mental health, weight and the development of diabetes and heart disease. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. People who experience sleeping disorders also experience the effects that it brings to their lives. Sleep apnea occurs when there is cessation of adequate supply of oxygen to the blood and the body notices that there is a low supply of oxygen in the blood. The brain’s response to this is to make the body awaken and gasp for air. This may cause the individual to wake up panting, sweating, and anxious because they feel they cannot breathe.

These episodes can happen over and over again throughout the night not allowing the individual to get a full night rest and sleep. Symptoms of sleep apnea include; excessive daytime sleepiness, poor memory, clouded intellect, poor concentration and performance, fatigue, morning headache, depression and irritability. These effects can interfere with an individual’s performance at work. When a person with sleep apnea goes to work in the morning, they feel sleepy and tired. They have no enthusiasm to work, nor do they have energy. Their production becomes inferior, they feel irritable and moody because of their restless body, their performance is hindered because of their inability to concentrate and complete tasks, they become easily annoyed and sensitive as well.

A once productive individual can hinder their career and employment due to the effects of Sleep Apnea. A trained professional can help with Sleep apnea treatment. Individuals can develop healthy thought patterns and behaviours related to sleep. Therapy for sleep apnea may include relaxation techniques, stress management strategies, and sleep hygiene education.

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